When respectful relationships between partners deteriorate, and one person inflicts harm on the other through threats, harassment, intimidation, or other acts intended to create fear, the courts can provide a Protection Order. The use of threats, even in circumstances where other prior acts of violence are missing, are considered "violence" in the emotionally charged climate of family break-down.
A finding of family violence can greatly impact a court's decision around parenting arrangements and how to allocate parental responsibilities for children. A court may restrict the person found responsible for family violence to supervised parenting time or limited responsibilities.
On occasion, a spouse will falsely accuse the other partner of family violence, in an attempt to control parenting time or property. Such strategies frequently catch the children in the middle of a toxic family breakup. Child alienation may occur.
Allegations of violence and child alienation are tough and difficult legal situations, which often escalate to expensive and drawn-out legal battles. Get help and advice immediately.